Coronavirus Measures

“There is no situation, there is no age and no condition where exercise is not a good thing… In this period, in which people are in lockdown, exercise is one of the best things you can possibly do [and] I certainly want to stress the point that, wherever possible, people should be taking exercise. This is very important for long-term health.”

– Chris Whitty (Chief Medical Adviser, UK Government)


Clients’ safety and well-being have always been my top priority, and will continue to be during these challenging times. All of the guidelines and regulations set by the Government, The Body Control Pilates Association, and venues in which I teach will be adhered to at all times.
 At this present time, the following measures are still in place:
 • Classes are small and socially distanced with a maximum of 8 participants at Rendham village Hall and 9 at Bruisyard village hall. Flat cone markers are being used to mark spaces, 2 metres apart.  From the w/c 25th April, there will be a maximum of 9 participants at Rendham and 10 at Bruisyard, with spaces marked 180cm apart.
•  Sanitisers are still in place at both venues
• Clients/group members are bringing and using their own mats, head cushions (or folded towel)
•  Frequent contact points such as door handles, switches etc are being cleaned before classes
• The halls are being ventilated through open door/windows
• No Teacher tactile ‘cueing/hand’s on’ corrections are taking place, verbal instructions/corrections and demonstrations only.